after loving my slow cookers and rice maker, i decided it was about time to see what all the fuss was with pressure cookers; so i ordered one from amazon. the cookbook i ordered came yesterday.
since i was home sick (migraine, other cyclical issues), i took the opportunity to read through the book. so far, i’m a little disappointed. maybe it’s because i’m not a hurried, over-scheduled parent who doesn’t have time to make dinner, maybe it’s because i don’t have to get a roast done in 10 seconds, maybe it’s because i plan out my meals pretty carefully, or at least can throw together something edible in a pan on the stove.
so, for the first run, i pressure cooked some garbanzo beans in order to make hummus. they turned out really well, and the hummus, too. but i’m still not impressed… it takes a little more than some beans to impress me. and i like beans.
so, i’ll let you know.