really, i’m not this stupid. i promise you.
so i come across this website promoting some magical berry pill that makes you a superwoman and slim at the same time.
of course, i want to give it a try. it’s only $4.95 for shipping for the 14 day trial. so i order it. and then read the fine print. and decide that there’s no way i’m paying their “monthly membership fee” even if it does turn me into madonna (the 1990s version). so it comes in the mail and i call the company without even opening the little bubblewrap-lined manilla envelope and was like, “i’m canceling my membership. what are your return instructions?” and she tells me and then today i google the company and see all these posts from people who canceled their membership but were still receiving random charges for random amounts.
so now i want to call the company and make sure they’re clear about my direction to cancel… or drive to des moines and tell them myself.
or report my (debit) card as lost or stolen.