the flight was 20 minutes /early/. we stayed with kathy in bed-stuy (bedford-stuyvesant);
a neighborhood filled with brownstones. here’s a view of jefferson st. out the front window.
on our way to the subway stop, we came across a black mary.
we found a neat little pub on st. mark’s called bull mcabe’s. they had the cheapest drinks in new york. here’s kurt enjoying a beverage.
on one of the many subway rides, we got off the train right in front of a pillar that someone had written on, “i’m tired of rumors started i’m sick of being followed by ferrets“. so i had to take a picture.
here’s a shot of the empire state building from the east side of union square.
and here’s some random church that i found interesting.
we were told to locate mcsorley’s, the oldest bar in new york. it took a while, and we had to get directions like three times, but we finally found it. unfortunately, they only serve beer, so we didn’t stay.
here are two other random things; a wavy building, and a seal. i’ll have more after kurt gets the roll developed.