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weird content

every once in a while i’ll have the absolute strangest dreams. last night was one of those nights.
here’s what i remember: i lived in a brownstone on the second floor. with a roomate. whom i think was someone i work with but i can’t remember right now; i do remember that she wasn’t very pleasant. also, we had separate bathrooms and mine was superior to hers. this was a point of contention.
then, i was trying to get to work on a saturday (this is how i know dreams are not based in reality) but ended up at a gas station/starbucks in indiana (!) and my debit card wouldn’t work cuz i wasn’t part of their cult. so i went to some other locally owned restaurant coffeeshop thing across the street and my grandma, mom, and an aunt were there and they all had iphones. my grandma wanted to play some wifi game with me and i was like “no i need to figure out how to get to work”. for some reason my iphone display was not cooperating, and googlemaps couldn’t find middleton.
then somehow i was back at home (you know how that goes) and i realized my iphone’s display was messed up because it had cracked and looked like broken liquid crystal.
i think i started crying, but i can’t remember.
anyway, the last thing i remember was cozying up on a couch at some house party watching a movie. then i woke up.