so the home phone rang.. which it never does unless it’s someone who can’t remember to call kurt on his cell.. and i hopped up to answer it. the caller id displayed “out of area”, so when it does that i just hit talk and then hang up right away. then i noticed the voicemail light was flashing and i had 5 missed called from the day. they were all out of area except for one at 5:30 from the special olympics.
anyway, i checked the voicemail, and it was obviously from a call center cuz i could hear all the people chatting in the background and the voice says, “hey bekee, just wanted to let you know i’m coming over for dinner tonight. i’m looking forward to meeting your husband. i won’t tell him anything eh, y’know?”
so, those of you who know me well know i spent my working years from 16 to 24 doing odd phone jobs… telemarketing, sales, soliciting, tech support, etc. and i never once left a message. especially one that has the potential to stir up trouble.
so, a-hole, your trick ain’t working in my house, and if you’re that upset about your stupid effing job, then drive cab or something more productive.