i effed up my back something good yesterday.
i kinda ignored it on saturday, cuz i wanted to get those rooms painted. so, of course, i was hobbled by sunday afternoon. i spent most of it on the steps scraping trim off the door jams. which was an awful idea because i had to twist my trunk (one of those things you’re not supposed to do) to get at all the little nooks. needless to say, i am not at work today. i laid in bed for a couple hours after waking up. couldn’t move.
on another note, and a very timely one, those of you who know me well know that i am trying not to order as much sushi as i have in the past. all due to the cost, and its affect on my bankroll. well, the delivery guy, whom i’ve come to like more than a person should like their delivery guy, is moving back to China this week and 1/4 of the fun of ordering was teaching him English. that, compiled with the other reason, are plenty to resume previous habits of not ordering out.
this will further encourage my desire to make my own sushi for lunch. my bento box is on its way as we speak.