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it must seem like i’m a boring, old fart based on the blog schedule i’ve been keeping. truly though, i’ve been kinda blah. not really doing much of anything specific or particular.
except, i’m trying to learn javascript and dom scripting cuz i applied for a new position at work. it’s an associate user experience designer. so basically, what i’m doing now, plus more stuff which i have yet to learn.
i need to learn it anyway because if i don’t get the job (there’s maybe a 10% chance that i won’t), i’m probably not staying very much longer. don’t fret, you workmates who read this! by “not very much longer” i mean, no more than 2 years, during which i will hone skills that will either a) make me marketable to another company or b) afford me the empowerment to start freelancing.
or c) open a yarn store and knit all day. which, you might be thinking, “wtf? she hasn’t knitted in like 2 months.” and to that, i say, i don’t feel like it :(
that doesn’t mean i don’t like looking at my stash.