i took the day off yesterday cuz i woke up with a heavy head and really just wanted to sleep until noon. i made it til 10:30 when i decided i should just get up. then, around 7, i started getting sleepy, which is weird.. and throughout the night, i kept waking up and trying to swallow. nothin’ doin’. my throat was raw.
so i got up at 6:30, took a shower, and headed over to urgent care for a throat culture. i haven’t had strep since i was 13 or something, and i always hated when they stick that thing down my throat. anyhow, they now have a “rapid culture” with which they check for strep and it only takes 15 minutes. i turned out negative. but they still send it through the 24 hour culture, just in case. so i’m at work, telling everyone not to touch me and to wash their hands cuz i couldn’t miss a second day in a row.