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this one went too fast

friday night came and went. i had really wanted to get out of the house but the weather is at that in between where it’s pretty nice during the day but once 5 hits, it dips and i really don’t want to go back out in it.

saturday morning, matt and i had plans to meet at daisy for brunch, so i got up, walked the dogs, tooled around, and decided to walk since we’d be walking back to the house (he needed to pick up some stuff and i wanted to talk about our relationship some—which i didn’t really get to). i knitted while he tried out a video game that is really hard. i got to see him beat a couple levels, so i know that it’s not impossible.

we tidied up the basement a little, where he had seemingly given up moving things and left them all strewn about.

he hugged me and left. i think that’s what i miss the most is having his support after a long day or a frustrating meeting or just a hug when i wake up or get home. his hugs really are the best.

after he left, i had to get some work done. i’m heading up a project this week on a new cms (sorry, wordpress! i won’t quit you, tho). so i’m taking an online crash course to learn said new cms for about four hours.

i had intended on trying to get out of the house again on saturday night, but did not want to deal with wilson’s during the final four game so i talked myself into staying in again. i made pan-fried catfish tacos for dinner, which stunk up the house. i don’t think it was worth it. i also started and finished one season of a show called getting on, which speth told me about.

sunday i got up and went to brunch at mickey’s, josh and i had a rubber match of cribbage to settle up. he won by about ten points, so that made him feel good. when i got home, i desperately needed a nap, so i slept for a couple of hours and then got up to make lunches for the week and hang out with the dogs.

i worked a tiny bit more on sunday and then decided i didn’t want to think anymore, so i continued the office and knitting until i got sleepy.

and now it’s the last week of march. wednesday would be our eight-year anniversary. that day feels like yesterday and a million years ago at the same time.