i mentioned before that summer doesn’t end when everyone’s little buggers go back to school. it ends after the wily st fair, which was this past weekend.
a couple of our friends convinced us to come and get a group caricature.
i’m glad we went. it was one of the more fun times i’ve had at the fair in a long while. probably due to the company.
i didn’t find the generic falafel stand that introduced me to that wonderful food several years ago; i think it might have been run by the “king of falafel” folks, and they’ve since gone out of business. the banzo cart was there, but by the time we went down and back again, i was ready to go home and make dinner/lunches for the week.
we (well, matt helped with the prep) made chiles relleños. they take for*ever*. i can understand why la hacienda makes 100 at a time and puts them in the cooler downstairs.
i was going to make spanish rice in the rice maker, but i was exhausted and didn’t want to wait, so i used a can that i had on hand, but it’s too wet for my taste. first world problems.
anyhoo, i have this friday off because we’re going to see the orb on thursday night at the majestic. i haven’t been inside that building since nearly the last rocky horror viewing, several years ago.
i hope we’re allowed to take pictures.