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new job, new resolution

Well, I’m now a regular and permanent employee at the fabulous Pleasant Company. They even accepted my job description (almost as submitted) and allowed me to keep the job title (the hold-up was because no one in the organization is a “technologist”). So, you’re lookin’ at a bonafide Front-End Design Technologist. What this means to you: nothing; I may have to work late a couple more nights a week once a month, but whatever. What this means to me: my job has shifted slighty towards more design and less production. We are, however, hiring a “Special Projects Employee” (what I was until yesterday morning) to do some grunt work and help “around the house”. I’ve also gained insurance, paid vacation, and a moderate paycut. What this also means to me is that I need to, again, boycott the cafe for monitary reasons and not just cuz the salad bar sucks 3 days out of 4. Congratulations will be had at the bar tonight. You know which bar. Oh, and my resolution is to limit outsourced content to Fridays. :)