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the inevitable weekly visit to menards came on tuesday night. we needed tinsnips for the steel to repair the cold-air return vent that george insisted we disassemble to aid in feeding the electrical wire through the holes in the joists. :/
anyway, since i’ve got the layout of the store memorized, we headed straight for the hand tools. there were two boys stocking an aisle. there were boxes and product everywhere. i said, “i’ll bet the tinsnips are in here.” kurt had gone around to the other end in order to view them closer. one of the guys said, “yup! right behind me. you want straight or curved?” me, “straight.” him, “left or right?” me, “right.” him,”$5.98 or $14.99?” me, “$5.98.”
the other guy proceeded to ignore me and share his tinsnip knowledge with kurt.
kurt picked out the straight, right-handed, $5.98 snips.
i just checked the receipt to ensure that we got the cheaper ones, and guess what? we got ’em for free. peggy, the checker, must have been distracted and didn’t scan them. guess we should have opted for the $14.99 ones.