my dream last night consisted of a bunch of friends attempting to go to an outdoor, daytime rave in unfamiliar vehicles.
jen was driving a big, red van and i was sitting in the hatch part. matt and karly were in the regular seats, and i can’t recall right now who was following us. at some point we all decided we should eat and/or get food for later… so we stopped off at an outdoor mall that had an assortment of different restaurants. it felt like the food court at west towne, except it was outside.
we finally got to some sandwich place, and the line kept getting longer and more confusing and no one would help me. someone even got trampled! after getting budged in line enough times (once by liz g.), i turned around and saw glass nickel’s “booth” with no line whatsoever.
i sighed with relief and walked over and said “whatever is vegetarian!” and he said “we have spinach cheese bread.” and then asked me if i wanted the works. i had no idea what that was since i only ever order delivery from them, he said it came with scrambled eggs and onions. i said that sounded terrible and either he wouldn’t serve me or i left.
i finally got to subway’s booth and ordered two kid’s-sized veggie delights (those come on a round bun). when i got done, i found the group and saw matt’s sandwich sitting on a picnic table and i smashed it and yelled at everyone for ignoring me and not letting me order with everyone else. i think it ended with me yelling at judy to leave me the eff alone.
then i woke up.