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during our first month of homeownership, we bought five varieties of caulk. it would appear that used the wrong one in the bathroom. i thought we had more seal-n-peel, but it seems we used it all up at the rutledge apartment, and used all-purpose, paintable on the bathtub surround. we still have concrete, heat-resistant, and tub/shower caulk unopened in the basement.
the concrete caulk was for an attempt at closing up a hole where the cold air return was open to the world (great stuff worked instead), and the heat-resistant caulk is for where the water heater vents into the chimney, which we haven’t yet taken care of.
we also need to replace the smoke detector that i threw away because i couldn’t get it to stop alarming us of a fire that didn’t exist.
none of these things entered my brain when we were at menards yesterday getting a rug for the entrance to the house.