playing catchup
with all of my offline documenting, i’ve been neglecting the blog again. my first run was a success! i couldn’t get the g.d. app on my
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with all of my offline documenting, i’ve been neglecting the blog again. my first run was a success! i couldn’t get the g.d. app on my
so, i haven’t technically completed the c25k training program, but since the first run is a 3k, i feel like i’m in an okay place.
running for 10 minutes straight isn’t that bad i guess. i need to push myself a little tho because it seems i’m doing a 12-minute mile
if i do this correctly, i’ll be over-trained for the 3k for which i signed up yesterday. on saturday, i ran for 20 minutes… i
i put it off long enough (the last time i ran was saturday), so i knew that i *had* to get up this morning. in
i’m halfway “done”. i woke up at 6:15 and was pretty grumpy and tired, but i said, “this run isn’t going to run itself.” so,
i ran on saturday, which means the next day should be monday. but i didn’t feel like it (the 95% humidity may have had something to
today was painful. after the warm-up walk, 3 minutes of running was almost unbearable, but then only 90 seconds of walking and then 5. WHOLE. MINUTES.
it’s nice to not really have a schedule for this running business. i’ve been trying to do it at least monday and wednesday, allowing for leeway
i’ve deduced that i cannot run after work. something about biking 8 miles and then standing all day and coming home to run doesn’t agree
© 2025 gibsonworks, LLC.
I’ve had this domain for over 20 years 👵🏻, and I was an avid blogger for most of that time. The content you’re about to read is from a past version of myself that may have been immature, snarky, vulgar, annoying, smart-ass, valid, interesting, poignant, and funny. By closing this popup and continuing to the page behind it, you agree not to hold anything you read here, dated prior to 2020, against me.