the kombucha has been quiet in my brain while i worry about the upcoming party and all the yummy foods we have planned. after this
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the kombucha has been quiet in my brain while i worry about the upcoming party and all the yummy foods we have planned. after this
i haven’t really done much along the lines of my kombucha making since working on some logo sketches on monday. i got samples of stickers
so, i’m working on a logo for the kombucha company. it’s kinda nice to bust out my old drawing supplies and sketchbook. it’s not kinda
we might have come up with a good name for the kombucha making… i don’t want to spoil it until i buy the domain name,
we’re finally getting rain. the flashes of lightening and rumbles in the middle of the night were sorely missed. the chickens hide under the coop
© 2025 gibsonworks, LLC.
I’ve had this domain for over 20 years 👵🏻, and I was an avid blogger for most of that time. The content you’re about to read is from a past version of myself that may have been immature, snarky, vulgar, annoying, smart-ass, valid, interesting, poignant, and funny. By closing this popup and continuing to the page behind it, you agree not to hold anything you read here, dated prior to 2020, against me.