no party this year
i guess, in all my excitement about getting the house situated and the food blog, i forgot to announce that i’m not having a memorial
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i guess, in all my excitement about getting the house situated and the food blog, i forgot to announce that i’m not having a memorial
i also forgot to mention that today would have been my 16th wedding anniversary. i still contest that 25 year olds shouldn’t get married.
from 01.21.14 we’ve added two parakeets, six chickens, and four cats to our menagerie since my last update of this entry. i’ve declared a moratorium
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I’ve had this domain for over 20 years ๐ต๐ป, and I was an avid blogger for most of that time. The content you’re about to read is from a past version of myself that may have been immature, snarky, vulgar, annoying, smart-ass, valid, interesting, poignant, and funny. By closing this popup and continuing to the page behind it, you agree not to hold anything you read here, dated prior to 2020, against me.