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birthday party!

some friends of ours hosted a joint birthday party this past saturday for myself and a mutual friend who turned 30 on the 2nd. what a whipper-snapper! we had house-cured lox and homemade bagels. since matt doesn’t care much for lox, they made him a separate meal of steamed king crab.

it was nice to be able to hang without worrying about matt having to get up for work sunday morning, but we did leave the dogs home without a break a little longer than i’d have liked. nora wasn’t able to hold it, so there was a little mess when we got home. she’s only peed a couple times in the house since getting antibiotics.

there was one not-so-awesome part of the evening in which i decided it would be a good idea to use the scale in our guests’ bathroom. i was shocked and appalled at the number and even told them that it was not calibrated correctly.

the next morning, i dug our scale out of the depths of the hallway closet to check. indeed, it reported the same number. a much higher number than i’d ever thought i’d see. a number that labels me on another chart as obese. a number that i need to actively work to reduce if i want to stop thinking about it.

i’ve considered taking up C25k again, but can barely get life taken care of now without adding another 45-60 minutes of exercise on top.

getting up earlier just isn’t an option. unless it is. maybe after i turn 40 i’ll automatically wake up at 6 am every day instead of just saturdays. maybe running while half asleep is why folks choose the mornings to exercise. i suppose it is a lot cooler out then.