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another week begins

i forgot to mention that my back started doing that thing where it wants to go out, so i took the last muscle relaxer from when my piriformis started almost two years ago. i woke up sunday morning with little improvement, so i went to urgent care since i’m still covered by mattel until the end of june.

the dr. kinda gave me grief for not having a primary care physician. i wanted to tell him that everything was mostly fine and i don’t need one, but i also wanted to leave so i could get food in my stomach.

he gave me another scrip for the same muscle relaxer and suggested that i get a dr so this can be addressed long-term. which i agree with, but i’m not going to start taking ibuprofen every day.

however, with this new and modestly flexible schedule that i now have, i could conceivably attend my friends’ wednesday yoga class at main street yoga. it’s definitely something to consider.