i just know this summer is going to fly by as quickly as last. our party will come and go, june and july will zip by since we’re both working brunches, and all of a sudden, the students will be back and the leaves will begin to change.
meanwhile, i want to make a concerted effort to pick up my comicking again. i justified the purchase of my ipad two years ago because the stylus i wanted works with it. how silly, i know. so, i’d better start owning up to my unjustified justification.
in food news, i finally ordered my first le crueset. williams-sonoma has the 2 3/4 qt version of their dutch oven on sale for $150, which is over half off retail. it’ll be just the right size for a couple meals for me. and i can bake bread in it!
the whole household is doing well. the cats are loving the open windows. merle is too. she likes to try to say hi to everyone that passes with a dog, and that’s a lot of dogs.
work is still great. well, there’s one piece that stinks a lot, but the explanation doesn’t belong here. the work-work is great, anyway.
we’re now getting into the season of biking where i need to at least bring a change of shirt. it’s been *really* humid the last couple of days. i also might need to pare down the contents of my inside-bag to reduce weight. in the mornings, with my liquids and lunch and rain gear, it’s pushing 25lbs, i’m sure.