we had mice. i’m pretty convinced we do again, but i also got wise and bought a plastic dog food storage container, so at least they won’t chew into the corner of the bag when it’s got food in it.
it makes me sad to set traps, but i just have to keep reminding myself that they’re nasty, disease-carrying creatures of yuckitude.
in other news: my next two projects are two strawberry caps. hopefully they’ll be started in the next day or so.
also, too: i hate computers still. i resynced my ipod cuz essentially i have a new library; i watched it count from 1 to 7903 over the course of 3.5 hours and when i went to listen to it this morning on the drive in, it said i had no music… but apparently all my movies synced. at least i can watch KIDS, 12 monkeys, girl interrupted, eternal sunshine, and amazon women on the moon at my leisure.